Sunday, April 4, 2010


Dear Matt,
Jewell is officially--teething. I wasn't expecting this to happen on her first Easter! We are so glad we were able to go to church with you this morning. Of course, we wish you didn't have to fly out early this afternoon.

The teething started right after Jewell's afternoon nap. I know we had predicted it was coming all week. But today was the first day of pain I believe. Jewell wouldn't stop crying. After about an hour I figured I better give her some Tylenol. I was relieved when it kicked in. However, all that did was stop the crying. I held and swayed Jewell for about 3 hours. I fed her a little early, and put her to bed. Only to have her wake up with a terrible diaper rash an hour and a half later.

After changing Jewell, I gave her more Tylenol. I also gave her some Orajel. I wish I had some teething tablets here, I'll pick some up tomorrow. Jewell was extremely hot, and I couldn't seem to get her cool. I decided that since it was over 80 degrees in the house that I better turn the air on to get the humidity out. Don't worry, I'll turn it off once it cools down. Our little one needs to sleep as much as she can right now. 15 minutes later, Jewell fell asleep again.

So our Easter didn't turn out as grand as I had hoped. However, in the end, it's still a day of great celebration. I'm so glad we both know that Christ died for our sins, and that we've accepted him as our Savior. Without Him, we'd be nothing, and we'd have no future with Christ. I'm thrilled to be able to teach our child how to love and serve our great God.

We miss you very much. Thursday night seems like such a long time away, especially with teething, but I'm praying it goes smoothly.

Amy Grace

P.s. No pictures :(. Jewell chewed and drooled on my arm all afternoon. Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow.

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