Guess what? You didn't miss too much while in Charleston tonight. I mean it too! The only thing you missed was drool, spit-up, and bad diapers! :) Poor girl is teething. Mrs. Ohler (her teacher) agrees. Her gums are swollen, and she's chewing on everything. Her bibs are getting completely soaked.
We had a pretty good afternoon together. Jewell only napped for 30 minutes at daycare this afternoon, so she took about a 40 minute nap in the swing when we got home. I fed her a jar of Chicken and Rice for dinner, and a half a jar of bananas. She did a great job eating!
She did okay with her bath this evening. But as soon as I went to pick her up out of it she screamed. Poor girl! She really liked chewing on her rubber ducky.
I gave her some Motrin before bed because she wasn't very comfortable. I hope the tooth comes through soon! Especially since she drooled all over my clothes this afternoon :).
We miss you bunches! And we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Your two girls
Oh, and she sat in the boppy because Daisy kept making her laugh so hard she'd fall over!