Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend my family came to visit us. We enjoyed some time catching up together on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But the biggest event was my long awaited paint job. 2 years ago I decided it would be cool to paint my dining room, which connects to my living room, yellow. It's not that I didn't enjoy the yellow brick road just really looked horrible! My Dad decided it was time to freshen things up in the main area of our house and he helped me do a tremendous make-over to it. He fixed my ceiling and caulked our windows and doorways as well. It took us two days to get it done, but I love it! I am currently rearranging furniture. As soon as I can hang things on the walls I will post pics :). Let's just will love the new colors!

As for Jewell this weekend, she enjoyed spending two days with the Grandma's! Boy did they have fun.

Thanks Dad for helping make my house look fantastic!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Stephanie

Today we celebrated Matt's sister Stephanie's 22nd birthday. We celebrated by eating at Olive Garden. Stephanie's favorite food is pasta :). She was showered with gifts, and enjoyed great company with the family. Of course, our little Jewell was definitely the life of the party. She enjoyed grabbing and chewing everything!

Happy Birthday Stephanie! We hope your day was just splendid.

Jewell and Grandma :). Jewell loves to pose for her pictures.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lazy Mornings are for Making Memories

Once upon a time...I got up on Saturday mornings to take advantage of things such as the Old Navy 1 dollar flip flop sale. Now that Jewell is included in our family, I prefer to make memories with her on Saturday mornings. We didn't get to see Matt much this week so we decided to enjoy the few moments we had with him this morning. We all laid in bed, drank coffee, and giggled. It was a blast. Daisy was even included. Jewell and Daisy are great friends. I think Daisy actually makes Jewell laugh more than we can! I don't think I'll ever forget these little memories of just the 3 of us being lazy together :).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Exciting and Funny Things

Dear Matt,
We are sad that we haven't heard from you today. However, we love that you are doing your best to work so hard to provide for us. Your girls are so proud!

This afternoon was full of excitement for me. After we got home today I put Jewell in her walker. She figured out how to move it! She would move, stop, and look confused. It was so cute. She only went forward, but it was such a momentous occasion. I'm so sorry you missed it.

Jewell had another day of spitting up, bad diapers, and drool. She went through 3 outfits at daycare today. I'm ready to get her off this horrible antibiotic. I still think she is starting to teeth. Especially since she only wants to chew on the right side of her mouth. She now has a new habit of sticking her tongue out of the right side of her mouth for very long periods of time. It's adorable. I wonder if it makes her gums feel better.

Jewell enjoyed finishing her carrots from lunch, and a jar of apples for dinner. She wasn't her normal self during dinner tonight. She kept leaning forward and tucking her chin.

The nightly bath went just fine. She sucked on all her bath toys and had a blast. Of course, her normal fussy time came shortly after. I then gave her a bottle, and put her to bed. She was exhausted!

We are so glad you are coming home tonight. I know it will be super late. But at least we'll have the security of knowing you're here.

Your two girls

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Dear Matt,
Guess what? You didn't miss too much while in Charleston tonight. I mean it too! The only thing you missed was drool, spit-up, and bad diapers! :) Poor girl is teething. Mrs. Ohler (her teacher) agrees. Her gums are swollen, and she's chewing on everything. Her bibs are getting completely soaked.

We had a pretty good afternoon together. Jewell only napped for 30 minutes at daycare this afternoon, so she took about a 40 minute nap in the swing when we got home. I fed her a jar of Chicken and Rice for dinner, and a half a jar of bananas. She did a great job eating!

She did okay with her bath this evening. But as soon as I went to pick her up out of it she screamed. Poor girl! She really liked chewing on her rubber ducky.

I gave her some Motrin before bed because she wasn't very comfortable. I hope the tooth comes through soon! Especially since she drooled all over my clothes this afternoon :).

We miss you bunches! And we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Your two girls

Next Year

Most of you know that it's been hard for me to work and leave Jewell this year. I've pretty much heard it all from everyone. It really hurts when people tell me I just need to sacrifice. And it really bothers me when people look at me and say "but it's so important." They don't know why I'm working. They have no idea what my family has been through this year. And they especially don't know how much harder it is to work full-time and be a wife and mom. I feel judged all the time. Well, I know that I am to keep working. I have given up on explaining it to people. Truly...I give up.

As for next year. I plan to keep working. Which brings me to the great part of that. Ever since I became a teacher I dreamed of teaching 2nd grade. I have begged since the day I was hired. It's my true calling. I student taught 2nd and loved it. It's my passion really. Yesterday my boss told me she was moving me to 2nd grade. I looked at her and said "I'm thrilled." She then said..."thanks." It's been a big dramatic thing at work for everyone to be moved around. My boss assured me it had nothing to do with my scores. My PASS scores were great so I know it can't be that. She just simply granted my request. And for that I feel honored.

So for now, I'm glad to be working. It's what the Lord has for our family at this time. And now I get to do what I truly love. I'm looking forward to looking forward to going to work for once!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Day Together

I was fortunate to be able to celebrate Jewell's 8 month by spending the entire day with her! Boy was it fun just spending time together. I am doing my best to treasure all the small moments while I can. She's getting too big too fast.

I dressed Jewell in the first outfit we ever purchased for her!

Matt had to work at the BMW Pro-am this weekend. But he did get to come home and play for a bit before he headed out to tape Arena football. He's such a wonderful provider. I don't know how he balances it all. The two of us adore him.

Yikes, I need to dust that mirror! She loves playing with this toy.

And of course, we ended out evening with our nightly bath. This was BEFORE she decided to use the restroom all over... There is definitely a first time for everything! Poor baby. Her antibiotic is really messing with her tummy.

After Jewell went to bed I was finally able to look at my consignment purchases for the day. I took Jewell to Little Pampered People for the first time. I bought all of these clothes for 19 dollars. I feel like I got some good quality stuff.

8 Months

Dear Jewell,
You are 8 months old little one! I'm afraid you're not so little anymore though :(. You have definitely chubbed out ;). But you have also given me the most amazing 8 months of my life. You are the greatest blessing to us.

You can now do the following:
1. Roll (only from tummy to back with great anger on your part) just are not a rolling kind of person!
2. Eat lots of solids. You even like meat now!
3. Sit up
4. Play by yourself
5. Suck on everything
6. Hold your bottle (only a little)
7. Laugh
8. Watch Baby E
9. Grab almost everything
10. Sleep 12 hours and take 2 naps

You do so much more...but those are the highlights. You are an absolute angel. We have been so blessed to have such a well mannered baby. Thanks for giving us such a wonderful 8 months!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ear Infections...PLEASE Go Away

About 2 weeks ago I had a feeling Jewell was getting an ear infection. I even took her to the doctor right when I predicted it. When Jewell gets an ear infection, she doesn't eat much. The doctor then said she didn't have enough fluid in her ears to be truly infected. A few days later she had a horrible cold. Which she spread to use of course. I kept thinking she had an ear infection, but we decided to wait just in case it was the virus making her not eat.

This weekend was horrible. She wouldn't nap, sleep, or eat. I figured she was just sick with the virus that we had so I gave her Motrin. I really wanted to make sure it was an ear infection because it was so expensive to go back to the doctor again.

Yesterday, I decided to schedule an appointment for the ENT because she still wasn't eating half of her bottle or any solids. However, that evening she ate all of her bottle and a jar and a half of solid foods. She even ate her cereal this morning and her bottle. We decided to cancel the appointment thinking she was getting better. After all, the virus was basically gone!

This afternoon I noticed she was very warm. I took her temperature and it was 102.1. She had been fussy and very clingy so it didn't surprise me. I took her to the doctor (all the way across town) and yes, she has an ear infection.

We now have to go back to the ENT to discuss tubes again. The ENT wanted Jewell to make it for 5 weeks without one. She only made it for 2 weeks :(. I'm so ready for tubes!

Here is a cell phone picture from the doctor visit today.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Serious Sitting

Jewell takes sitting VERY seriously. It's so funny to watch. She was so cute in her bath last night. She wouldn't let me move her if it involved not sitting up :).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Wedding

What did we do for Mother's Day? We were honored to witness our best man Josh (from our wedding) get married! Matt's best friend Josh Roland married Caroline Lee. It was absolutely gorgeous. Thanks so much for letting us share in your special day Josh! We will miss you.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Graduation Day

Matt's dear sister Stephanie has finally graduated. She now gets to take her boards so she can be a REAL NURSE! We are so proud of her. Today she didn't just walk a stage to get her diploma...she proved that working hard, no matter what happens, always pays off. I'm sure today was hard, as Dad wasn't here to watch it with us. But we know he watched from Heaven, and is prouder than all of us. Congratulations Steph!!!

Stephanie wasn't the only one that graduated. Bethany (the blonde) which is her best friend, and her boyfriend David graduated as well. Bethany, thank you for taking care of Jewell at the CDC for us. We will miss you so much! David, congrats! You have some great goals to accomplish now.

Enjoy the pictures!!!

Weekend Baby Lessons

This has been an interesting weekend. Family name it, it's my weekend! Jewell has been a dear. That is, until 7 PM comes and she realizes she's not in bed. Yesterday we were at my husband's Mom's house and it was 7. Jewell started screaming very loudly. She screamed the entire way home. She screamed for 30 minutes after we got home. She then woke up screaming many times until about 11. Why? Because she was too tired from staying up past bed time! People keep telling me that Jewell will be fine staying up, and that she should do what we do. That's nice and all...but my child needs 12 hours of sleep.

Which brings us to today. We had graduation for Stephanie which caused Jewell to miss her afternoon nap. Jewell was great until about 5:00 when we left for Josh's wedding rehearsal dinner. She cried the entire way there, and then for 10 minutes after! So I gave in and fed her early. She was happy then. Of course, I left early to try and get her home and into bed. I promise you, at EXACTLY 7 PM she started screaming. She screamed the entire way home. She screamed in her crib too. I had to give her a bottle again to get her to calm down. Again, I have no problems with this child if she gets to bed by 7 PM. It's almost like she has an alarm set to go off right at 7.

I guess this weekend has taught me one thing. Don't mess with bed time! Oh, and if people criticize you for your "schedule" just roll your eyes! :).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nurses Pinning

Matt's sister Stephanie has finally finished Nursing School. Here are some pictures from her Pinning Ceremony this afternoon. Of course, my husband was the wonderful photographer! Hopefully tomorrow we'll get pictures of them together after her graduation :).

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fun Afternoon

Yesterday, Jewell had a very fussy afternoon. I even took her to the doctor thinking she may have an ear infection. They didn't see anything wrong with her, so they said not to worry about anything. Of course, I know something is wrong. She has a bad cough that keeps getting worse and is only drinking bottles. Her teacher at daycare agreed and recommended giving her some motrin tonight. She was much better once the motrin kicked in. We actually had a great afternoon playing :).

Jewell enjoyed looking outside...

She heard me snap a picture and looked over for another one!!!

I think she thinks she's a model :). I took this picture because she was pushing straight up with her legs! But she posed like this instead...

I'm so glad we had a fun afternoon. Her cough is getting worse, but it could be a teething thing too. She actually ate her solids tonight so that was good. A friend that goes to the same CDC has an upper respiratory infection this week. I hope Jewell isn't getting it too. She's been through a lot of antibiotics lately.

Saturday, May 1, 2010