Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Pear Blossom

This last weekend Medford held the annual Pear Blossom. Medford is famous for their pears. Hence the name... I decided in February that I should go for the 10 mile race. I was pretty much trained until I got sick for about 2 weeks. I was really nervous I wouldn't be able to finish the race because I had only made it to 8.5 miles before the event. I ended up finishing all 10 miles without stopping. I was really proud of myself. I averaged a 9:15 mile finishing at 1:32:44. After the race I had pretty much decided no more big runs. I had trained for half marathons a few times, and something always came up to keep me from running it. But then on Sunday, all I wanted to do was run! So of course, Meridith and I decided to do a half on April 28th. We'll see how it goes! 

This isn't the best picture of me...a little out of focus. But it was right after I crossed the finish line.

Celebrating with my girl!

Sarah and Emily came to cheer for us!

After the run we went to the parade. Jewell loved the horses and tractors.

The entire event was just a blast. I did learn a major lesson though. After doing a long race like that. ALWAYS eat after. Even if you think you might be sick. Always eat. Drink gatorade or something other than water. Yes...I pretty much skipped that and went to the parade. I was out of it all afternoon. Not a good idea. I will be taking my own gatorade to the half!