Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Weekend and Past

I was going through pictures tonight when I realized I was way behind on the blog :). I have about a month of pictures for everyone tonight! Don't worry, some of them are just adorable!

Here is Jefferson after he learned to army crawl! This is when I figured out that life with a boy is going to be much different than I expected... Note to self... Must hide all electrical outlets! Don't worry, this was removed from him after I took the pics.

And this is when he turned the TV off with it!

A few weeks ago I washed Matt's car. Jewell decided she wanted to help :). She did a great job washing the hood! She was just adorable!

We typically don't have Home Group in the summer so we had extra time for a little adventure one weekend. We went to Ashland to eat yogurt and explore Lithia Park.

We shared this with her ;).

Jewell LOVED the ducks at the park! She was even quacking at them.

I LOVE getting Daddy/Daughter pictures. I think it would be neat to put them all in a book one day. Maybe when Jewell gets married. Then she'll have her own book of memories with the first love of her life :).

We found some deer. Jewell was getting pretty close to them until she heard a motorcycle go by. It completely freaked her out. Then she realized we weren't right next to her, so she refused to leave her Daddy's side the rest of the time at the park.

Here is Jefferson just hanging out.

My Mom got this outfit for Jewell for her birthday. I had to post it for her :). She certainly looks like a big kid now doesn't she!

I attempted to get a cute pumpkin picture with Jeffers...

And here's Jewell instructing him on what he should be doing.

On Sunday evenings we have Home Group with the young couples from our church. Tonight was "football night" so we dressed up proudly with our Broncos gear. Don't worry, we did not play or watch football for Home Group :). We did however enjoy a good time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion from the morning service :). Jewell was NOT in a good mood for these pictures. I guess that's just what happens when you have double ear infections, again!

Ah, memories. I'm so glad I was able to share them!

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