Thursday, August 23, 2012

12 Week Update

I've decided I'm going to try and be better about taking pictures throughout this pregnancy. I tried with Jefferson, but I was so tired after work it was the last thing I wanted to do! So here we go...

I have finally made it to the last week of my first trimester. Most of my favorite foods taste funny. I mean, crackers are not supposed to taste like soap, and cucumbers taste like cardboard? Seriously, I want my taste buds back. Speaking of taste buds... I have finally given in to my cravings. Every single pregnancy I've had I've craved and I mean CRAVED Crunch Ice Cream bars. I'm not sure why. Well, actually I do, they have a great crunch when you bite into them. And they are oh so good. The strange part is, I've never had one before this pregnancy :). Very odd. But hey, I made it to baby #3 before giving in! 

I've been sick almost every night. It's like my HCG levels double every time I try to relax. It was really bad in the afternoons earlier on, so I'm grateful for just evenings and early morning sickness. I'm not having a problem keeping things down though, unless I wake up at 4 or so... I'm very grateful.

We are keeping the gender a surprise for this baby. I really don't want to know what it is until Matt tells me after the baby is born. I think it will be really special that way. I already have everything I basically need. We can always go buy more clothes if need be :). Oh, and baby #3 will NOT have a J name :).

My first appointment went pretty well. But the doctor/office just wasn't what I expected. My doctor in Greenville, SC told me to go the doctor that the labor and delivery nurses go to. So I switched to that doctor. I meet him next Tuesday :). 

That pretty much sums up the first trimester :). I was running, but I had to take a short break because of how sick I'd get in the mornings. Plus, being sick at night wasn't giving me much rest. I plan to start up again soon. 

12 Weeks, 5 Days


  1. Congratulations! I haven't been on facebook much so I must've missed the announcement! So happy for you!!!
