We've been busy lately! Between going to the library, Bible Study, and regular daily activities I've hardly had time to think, let alone blog. But I'm happy to report that the kids are being as cute as ever! Here are a bunch of pictures and the captions of what we've been doing.
Matt always puts Jewell to bed. They have a special routine that they do together. But the very last thing they do together is read the Storybook Bible. Jewell typically doesn't sit still for books with a lot of words on a page, but she's glued to this special Book :).
I've been doing my best to include Jewell in my daily routine with meals. She LOVES helping me cook. Last week I let her help me get the chicken ready (it cooked all day, note the bed head). She was adorable putting all of the spices on the chicken!
Jefferson is a full crawler now. He manages to find himself in some funny situations! This is how I found him when Jewell and I were cooking/baking!
Fall is my favorite time of year to bake. Jewell loves to help me. Her favorite part is pouring the ingredients in the bowl. She gets very upset if I don't let her do it.
She LOVES to watch it cook.
Jefferson tried so hard to get into the bouncy in order to eat the bird...teething time!
Trying to be like Daddy already!
I thought this was so cute. If I don't put Jewell on a chair while I cook, I put her on the counter next to me. So one morning last week I caught her doing the same thing to her baby. She picked the baby up (it was on the couch) and sat her down on the her kitchen counter and said, "sit, there!" And then she decided to cook right next to her! Priceless.
This past week Jefferson had some unusually horrible diapers. He had a bad diaper at least 3 times a day. Well today I figured out why, he cut his first tooth! He's 8 months old and has a tooth! It took Jewell until 13 months to get a tooth so I was surprised. I don't have any pictures yet because it literally just cut through his gums. Poor baby! He's pretty sensitive about it too :).
Life is full of challenges right now. Jewell is 2, and Jefferson is all over the place. But I'm grateful for the little moments of happiness that the Lord brings. I'm learning more to rely on Him with these precious kiddos. I'm truly learning more about what God expects of me as their Mommy! I close with one verse...
Luke 12:48b, "Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."