Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Refrigerator Art

Uncle Jason and Aunt Bethany have been asking for some refrigerator art for some time now. So on Saturday we decided to make them a few Valentine's Day items. Our kids love to paint. It's one of their favorite activities. But it takes quite a bit of patience sometimes, so I was glad Matt was able to help us. Jewell loved learning how to cut out a heart. And Jefferson enjoyed trying to eat the paint :). We had a fun time getting messy with paint!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ezekiel's Grave

Soon after we lost Ezekiel, I started reading the book, Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. I still haven't finished it yet because I'm reading quite a few books. It's a really good book, but I needed to read some shorter books that were geared toward my specific loss. So far, the main thing that I've learned from his book is that God does things for His glory and our good.

This morning, I sang with our worship team, "Glory to God Forever." The bridge says, "Take my life and let it be, all for you and for Your glory, take my life and let it be Yours." I couldn't help but think about Ezekiel and what I've learned about his going to Heaven. But I also couldn't help but think about how Ezekiel's life was completely for God's glory. How amazing. I have to consciously think on giving God glory for everything in my life, but my son only gets to give God glory because he has only ever known God.

After the service today, I had the privilege of visiting Ezekiel's grave. They had placed his stone this week, and I wanted to go see it. I would have been 35 weeks pregnant today. It hurts. But even though it hurts I know it was best for my son to see God in glory. God took my son home for His glory and my good. Ezekiel has won, he never has to choose between Christ or sin. He only gets to give God glory. And I hope that I can use my life for God's glory more and more each day.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Haircut Saturday

I woke up this morning and decided it was time to get Jewell's hair cut. I had put it off long enough. So we called Cost Cutters and made an appointment. While we were taking the before pictures of her hair, I decided we should just get Jefferson's done at the same time. I do plan to cut Jefferson's hair myself from now on though.

I was really nervous about Jewell getting her hair cut since she has such a sensitive scalp. I thought it would be best to go ahead and brush it really well before we left. I'm so glad I did because she cried the entire time I brushed the tangles out of it. I must say, Jewell really impressed me at the hair salon. She did a great job! She never cried or complained. She loved getting her hair cut.

Jefferson did not like getting his hair cut. He refused to sit in the chair by himself or with me. So, he got passed on to Daddy. I am so glad we got his hair cut now. He had curls that would stick out randomly that were getting quite long. The right side was longer than the left side too :). 


Before--you can sort of see the curl sticking out the right side.




She took sitting up very seriously.

He really wasn't so sure about the clippers.

I think her new cut looks beautiful!
I actually just now realized that we never got an after picture of Jefferson. It looks really good though :). It's nice and short and even! He still has some thinner spots in his hair because of his cradle cap. I think this cut will help those thicken up.

Overall, it was a great experience. I was very pleased with both cuts. Both kids were given First Haircut Certificates with envelopes holding their first locks. It was so sweet.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Fun

I've been feeling a bit bad about not doing as many hands on activities with the kids recently. They have been learning to play better on their own though and to use their imaginations. But since that's what they have been doing ALL week, I decided it was time to have some fun with Mommy today :).

We played with shaving cream and food coloring today for sensory play. Jewell LOVED it. Jefferson wasn't quite as sure though. He did have fun, but he was very ready to get that stuff off of his hands! It was neat to see the differences in their ages/development.

Jewell had fun pressing the paper on the colored shaving cream.

We also attempted to do some experimenting with ice and salt. It didn't work. But the kids had a blast playing with the ice :).

Yes, I realize my kids aren't wearing anything. I think I may need to give Jewell something to wear now during our fun sensory play though... She's growing up too fast! Maybe I can find a fun apron that's easy to wipe clean.