Friday, March 25, 2011

The Coast

The first weekend we were in Oregon we were still living in a motel. So, we decided to venture out to Crescent City, California. Little did I know, we'd be traveling through snow covered mountains, then the Redwood National Forest, and then finally to the ocean. I think it was the neatest day trip we have taken since we've been married. And it only took us about 2 hours to get there :). Jewell wasn't quite as excited though. She ended up crying the entire way back! Oh well. Such is the life of a toddler. I also learned that California has funny rules about fruit. They have a check point at the state line asking if you brought any fruit. They take it if you did! Fortunately, I had already finished my orange :). It was a California orange though so I'm sure I would have been safe. Enjoy the pictures.

I'm sure to get into trouble for posting some of these since my husband probably wanted to do some crazy editing to them :).

We stopped at this cute little cafe right outside the Redwood National Forest.

Someone suggested going through this Redwood Park on the way to the ocean. It was amazing.

You must forgive the Mom hair.

And we finally made it to the coast! It was super cold so I stayed in the car with Jefferson while Matt took Jewell out. Then we switched :).

Jewell wasn't quite so excited. For some reason, she didn't seem to think driving in the car for that long was worth going to a cold beach. :)

Sadly, the coast was hit with about 35 million dollars worth of damage 2 weeks later when the tsunami hit. Houses were not hurt, but the State doesn't have the funds to fix everything right away. According to the news, it will take several years before it looks the same. I'm sure it's still gorgeous though. I believe the ports are what they are most concerned about. A lot of fishermen lost their boats as well. I'm so glad we were able to enjoy the beauty before the tsunami!

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