Jewell is now 5 months old. I can't believe it. She's growing up so much. I believe she went through a growth spurt last week too! Here are a few accomplishments for her at this time.
1. Bath time: Without screaming! Huge step for us :) I recently bought a baby bath tub and that has seemed to really help! She just loves kicking in it.
2. Tummy time: Without screaming! She can now hold her head help quite well.
3. Bumbo time: Without screaming! Are you noticing a trend yet? Jewell now sits and plays in it!
4. Cereal: Last week she ate tons of cereal (I think because of the growth spurt). But now she is down to just 2 T at a time. She's not quite ready for more.
5. 4 hour schedule: Once I switched to formula this went splendidly!
6. Sleeping: She is now averaging 10-12 hours of sleep a night. She typically wakes once, makes noise for 5 seconds and falls back to sleep.
7. Laughing: Jewell can laugh really hard and really loud. We usually have fun laughing together for quite a bit each night. I love it.
8. Reading: Or, mommy reading to Jewell actually. But she looks at the pictures now. You can practically see the wheels turning.
9. Grabbing: This is probably my favorite accomplishment. Jewell now picks up toys! She has such a curious look on her face when she does this too! I love it.
10. Sitting up with support.
11. Baby Einstein: I know, not quite that great of an accomplishment. But she LOVES watching it. A nice distraction when I need to get ready for the day :).
12. Stroller rides: Without screaming! Haha. She had a bit of time when we first brought her home. She hated walks, silly girl!
13. Sitting quietly: We are still working on this, but she's beginning to play in the high chair all by herself while we eat dinner.
14. Talking: Yes, she takes after her mother. Yesterday I took her to Walmart and she talked really loud the entire time. Seriously, she doesn't stop ;) I'm so proud!
These are just a few accomplishments, and they mean a lot to me. I'm so proud of my baby girl! She's getting so big, and I don't think I'm ready for her to get bigger. But I do love every minute of it! Here are few recent pictures.
"Mom, I know you're tired, but I'm NOT!"
"Daddy, will you be my Valentine?"